No real point to this entry, just....dumping I guess.

Got some quotes on furnace replacement.  All pretty much on it's up to me to make decisions and resign myself to debt.  Ugh.  Thank goodness for space heaters.

Had an appt with my primary care provider today to check the chassis and undercarriage.  All looks good but will get the final word after PAP result is in.  Which I might add should be fine.  And my MD was much more chatty than normal today, perhaps because I'm 50 and there's things he wanted me to be aware of as I age.

I got some fabulous applesauce made thanks to the free apples from my friend Rox.  I will either freeze it or can it next week I imagine.  Or Sunday after I get some more freezer bags.

Sigh.  Just  not feeling all the chores I still have left to do.  When DH left I had insulation to put in the basement walls that haven't been done, digging in the garden, a gutter to make sure was clean, winterize the plumbing fixtures outside (that one's easy), install a doorknob in the door downstairs, insulate the little storage room ceiling under the kitchen, continue to work on my craft booth stuff, and now the furnace.  Gah.  Not to mention I have yet to have good weather at the same time I have spare time to get the pruning and weeding done.  Oh well.


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