Success with my first FBA

Woo HOOO!  I think my FBA (full bust adjustment) is gonna work!  I did a new FBA as I screwed up the first attempt.  I cut it out, sewed the muslin bodice, and it seems to have worked!  Only thing I'd do different would be lower the waist darts just a tad.  Or shorten them anyway.  I'm so thrilled! 

If I get this summer dressed finished this week, which I hope to, I'll post a picture.  I want to get it done so I can wear it this weekend to the Arlington airshow party.  Here's hoping.

Hmmm.  Just realized I screwed up making the facing of the neckliine/armholes.  Well, I guess mostly correct this evening is good enough.  I'll sit down with my seam ripper and get that taken off tonight. 

I'm considering tonight a success overall.  Yay!


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