North to Vancouver

Aaahh Canada.  I blew off the dust from my passport to go to an 80th birthday party for a special lady I've known since infancy.  Sad to say I lost touch with them after Dad passed.  However, their youngest daughter connected with me on Facebook a while ago and when she invited me to the party and I had July 4 off well, I went.  It was truly a joy to see them again and connect with both them and their daughter Carol and her lovely family. 

The funny part was their expressions when they came into the house and saw me on the couch.  They had puzzled, I-don't-know-who-she-is looks on their faces till Carol said my name.  Then I was enveloped in a huge hug and they proceeded to tell everyone that showed up about the return of this prodigal almost-daughter.

 Carol and I spent quite a bit of chat time getting caught up and visiting on dog walking to the beach, walking her son to his dojo, and sitting over a cup of tea. 

A really nice weekend, and bonus - I still have one more day left of it!


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