It's getting hot!

My goodness.  We are due for a warm week!  Guess I better get started on that summer dress!  I redid the FBA yesterday and cut it out.  So here goes nothing.  Fingers x'd I got it right this time.

Today I also got the windshield replaced on the  Subaru.  The crack was clear across it and I had been just dealing with it for.....3 years?  Why?  Because the money I set aside for my deductible always ended up going somewhere else.  Today I just did it.  Boy does it look nice again!  And it's so CLEAR!  Wow!  And the loaner car?  A 1999 Honda Civic.  Felt like my butt was 3 inches from the pavement!  Crazy.  I must be getting old.

Let's see, Dennis left me the upholstery for an airplane seat I need to replace the zipper on.  Ugh.  Not looking forward to tackling that, but it's extra $$ so I'll do it.

On the home front, I really need to get the pressure washer out and figure out how to use it.  Maybe this weekend or next.  The porch badly needs washed, as does the side of the shed.  And the sidewalks need the moss blown off.  Fun fun fun!


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