Walmart, can't live with it or without it.

The final pile of topsoil is just about gone. I could pretty much rake it away, but it is raining and so I chose to go to Walmart and Safeway. What the hell was I thinking? Especially since I have NO patience today. Coulda gladly run over the spastic children, aimless teenagers, and adults who STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AISLE!!!! Gawd forbid you should stop off to the side so people can get by. I couldn't stand it anymore and went home. I still must venture out for cat food, but there's enough to last for several more days. Just thought I'd get it all done in one fell swoop of the shopping area. Instead I ran like a chicken home to roost away from the chaos that IS weekend shopping. Think I'll sit here quietly and read, or maybe even....nap. DH is hanging with the "home boys" so it is quiet here at the house. What a treat!!!

We are selling that P.O.S. Datsun pickup. The guy who wants it found us both in the yard last night and was able to pin the D-man down, he's been reluctant to call the guy for some reason or another, so as of tomorrow he'll be dropping by some cash and towing it away. And to think we were going to pay someone to tow it to the junk yard. Instead we'll make a little something off it. Now if I can just get DH used to the idea of getting rid of "projects" that he hasn't touched in years, and most likely never will like that Datsun. He tells me not to criticize him and look at my own stuff. Believe me, I have been. Why does he think I have 2 big boxes of crap I just took to the Goodwill?! It is good to purge and be ruthless. Granted, I hold onto things more than I should, but then I get sick of it and get rid of things in a fit of "can't stand the crap." I could do some more of that too. I will, but not today. It's NAP TIME!


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