
It's quiet here. DH has decided to retire early. The TV is off, cats are sleeping, and the only noise is the clicking of the keyboard and the gentle hum of the hard drive. A rare peace.

I just checked in with a blog I read regularly. Pammy at lollygaggin.blogspot.com was rather touching tonight. Has caused me to reflect on things I miss also. Perhaps I'm overtired, but her thoughts have made me somber, yet smiling a bit as I agree with her... I miss disco too! Ssshhh. Don't read that too loudly. :)

Made the dough for mashed potato doughnuts this evening. I laid out all the supplies to fry them up tomorrow morn. We'll see if I get my butt outta bed early enough. It's only 1/2 hour earlier, but geez. Anymore you'd think I had to get up and face the Gulag every day.... I think I need a vacation.


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