The Bush factor

My daily, or at least weekly, rant!

What is it with George W's rudimentary pronunciation of the word "nuclear?" He consistently still pronounces it "nukular" and it drives me NUTS! I have even heard comediens ridicule him for it, one of which was Margaret Cho I believe. How hard is it to wrap that Texas-size smirk he always wears around the correct pronunciation -- NUCLEAR! It's been bugging me since he took office, and I have reached a point where I cannot listen to the man for one little minute. Between the mispronunciation, the smirk, and how he raises his voice a bit and sounds petulant like he's just THIS CLOSE to throwing himself on the floor in a tantrum because we won't blindly do what he wants and question him, I gotta hit the mute button or change the channel.

And his croney, Donald Rumsfeld -- I haven't liked him from the get-go either! He's a bulldog, and will go forward with his ideas hell-and-be-damned, no matter what anyone else thinks. Even if those others are the military leaders on the ground seeing what's REALLY going on. Yet he thinks he knows it all.

Been a weird weekend. My husband worked Saturday which is not entirely unusual. But what was unusual was his job had to start when the tide was high and it lasted till midnight trying to get the concrete forms off a pier they had built. They had 3 foot swells making it difficult at best to work. My husband fell in the water up to his neck and called me to bring a fresh set of work clothes for him. Now he was working about 45 minutes away on a government installation, so I had to gather up clothes/boots, etc. in a hurry and drive through massive amounts of traffic, everyone going back to the city after who knows what, and find my DH to get him dryed off. The kicker was he asked me to bring our chainsaw to the job site and I FORGOT IT! So I had to make another roundtrip home to get it and bring it back. Yes, I remembered the fuel for it. He got home about 1:30 a.m. Needless to say he did absolutely nothing Sunday but watch movies. He was so beat. Don't blame him. Still, I did make him get out and water the grass seeds we planted. That was not strenuous and it got him outside for a minute.

To top it off last night outta the blue his phone rang and it was a coworker/friend who had moved to Oregon last year. We had just been talking about him the other day. Didn't know where he went or how to get ahold of him. No one had heard from him in months. Turns out he just got into the bus station and was walking to our house because his ride didn't show to pick him up. We didn't even know he was still alive, much less coming back to the area. Talk about deja vu! He gave DH a big hug and came in to visit a while. Then his ride showed up and he left, but what a strange thing! Lazarus rising from the dead!


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