Donuts and Donald

I did it. I got outta bed early to make the doughnuts. Then my DH informs me he can't have doughnuts. Since when? It's tough on his digestive tract he says. As if having 5 Long Island Ice Teas isn't???? Anyhoo, took them to work and they magically disappeared, except for a few holes, within 2 hours. Need anything sweet to vanish in a hurry? Take it to work. That's how I take care of cravings. I make it, have a serving, then take it to work and let the famished herd clean it up.

Donald Rumsfeld...people are finally asking him WTF? Asking him to step down? About time. Frankly I wonder what smoke and mirrors he was seeing to think he could send us into Iraq understaffed, undersupplied, and underfunded. Like it would be a walk in the park. Harrumph. Think I'll Google into his background, what his credentials are. I know he's been active in DC for many years under past presidents. What's he know about invading a country? Has he ever done it? And by the way, what's the status on Bin Laden? Have we forgotten him in the zeal to prove ourselves in Iraq? Things that cross my mind when listening to NPR.


Lunarsola said…
Hey you! Next time you make doughnuts, leave some for Sunny and I! :P

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