Boy, is everyone impatient today or what? Every phone call I dealt with today, and there were more than usual, was convoluted, had to be done YESTERDAY, and was generally just a pain in the ass. On top of it my coworker has been out with some sort of copious vomitus! So I'm there by myself flyin' by the seat of my britches trying to get everything that needs to be done, in a somewhat timely fashion. Failed miserably for most of the day, but kept at it, doggedly trying to keep my head above water. Was able to leave on time with a clean conscience however. All emergent stuff was done, all phone calls returned and/or handled, and no real holdovers for Monday.

Now I look forward to shovelling a couple yards of dirt in the yard again tomorrow. (snort!) My DH must work, so I'm on my own. Not that I mind. Lord knows my fat butt could use the workout! It's something one does that offers immediate results. That dirt pile reduces with every shovel. We worked on part of the yard yesterday after work and got the area smoothed out and grass seed planted. Now all that is left one rather large area in the back yard.

No rest for the wicked.


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