Josey the handywoman

Look out Toolbelt Diva, here I come! Hah. I have a long way to go before I reach that. I did, however, buy some 2x6 boards, cut them to length, and replaced the stair treads on our porch. Even had to cut around the posts on one step. Not bad, not great either, but it's done and no one will fall through the porch any time soon. 'Course it took two trips to Lowe's since I couldn't find the exterior screws anywhere after I had made all my cuts and was ready to attach the boards. Organization is not my DH's strong suit either!

I have to say, the demolition part is my favorite! Love pounding the hell outta those rotten boards and getting out the reciprocating saw and hacking off the old screws that wouldn't come out with the standard hammer. I'm getting more and more comfortable with power tools. Feels...empowering...yah, that's it. (pun intended) And no, I did not shovel any dirt today. This chore took far longer than anticipated since I'm venturing into a world I'm not real knowledgeable about and must stumble my way through.

I'm now eyeballing the task of replacing/rebuilding the railings. Hmmmm.

My rant for the day: DH was supposed to take a form for the licensing dept. (see previous post) and have it notarized at the credit union near where he works. Now it's not the usual storefront type establishment. It's in a small house the refinery bought and made into office space for the credit union. I wrote down the address, phone number, and contact. I explained where the cross street was, which was right by his work. He just needed to head north about 1/4 mile and it would be on the right. So he calls me and can't find it. I tell him, again, it's in a house on the corner and add additional directions. He only half listens to me and proceeds to tell me how I am adding useless info and asking me (in a loud manner) why the credit union is in a house, also implying I must be outta my gourd sending him on this wild goose chase.

It's 1/4 mile from his work, or less, and if he'd listened to me fully he'd have driven right to it. No need to get pissy I tell ya! What is it with men and directions? I even gave him all pertinent info on a piece of paper. He coulda called them for directions. There's only two ladies that work there and I had called to let them know DH would be stopping by. So they knew to expect him even!!!

He found it. Sounded sheepish on the phone later. Sometimes he just needs to practice what he preaches and LISTEN to me for gawds sake.


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