Happy feasting errr..Easter

Went to Grandma's house for Easter dinner. No one under 65 was there but my husband and me. Felt like we were party to the smartalic ol' croney party. They were teasing each other and elbowing each other about saving a piece of pie, dropping a strawberry on the tablecloth, and other funny little things. It was actually quite fun! We started out passing dishes to the left, then halfway through the gravy started heading to the right! Back Asswards! Ya had to be there but it was funny as the elders tried passing two different directions at the same time.

This morn I finished my taxes for the omnipresent tax man. (shudder) Turns out I don't owe that much. Have been procrastinating because I knew I'd owe, just figured it would be more than it turned out to be. Thank gawd!! First year of no payments! Can pay it off in one fell swoop, and start paying on next years taxes. First time EVER since being self employed I'll be able to do that! May the government spend it wisely....Yah right!


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