The silly season has officially begun

Well, grand plans and all that.  I did get the wrap dress cut out, about 1/3 done, then stalled out.  I've been working out regularly, work has been crazy-busy the last couple weeks, and seems by the time I get home, do the dinner thing, and clean up I'm just pooped and can't concentrate.  Sad I know.  Is it because I'm getting older?  Just don't know.  Anyway, I have upped the running on the treadmill to 2-3 minutes run, 2 walk, etc etc until I've hit 25 to 30 minutes.  Kicks my butt however it is progress.  So yay.  Gotta say my version of "run" is pretty lame but so be it. 

The official Tulip Festival month started yesterday so this morning I got up early, showered, took the check I needed to deposit to the bank in Burlington, and zipped home.  All before 8 in the morning.  Figured I better get my running around done before the tourists start rolling thru town in a never-ending line clogging up all the major intersections and roads to the fields.

There was a going-away party for a coworker last week and I made mint chocolate brownies from a church cookbook I've got and some date pinwheels.  Both were huge hits.  Haven't done much baking in a while since I'm watching my waistline (not that it's doing any good!) so it was fun. 

Speaking of, our rhubarb is really looking good this year and I'll be harvesting it pretty soon.  If I can find some good strawberries around I'll make some jam with both.Yum!


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