My sewing mojo continues

Note to self:  Preview the blog before posting.  Just realized the pictures didn't upload correctly. Dress pix corrected!

On another note I finished the Colette blouse.  Turned out pretty cute and I'll post a pic later since I wore it yesterday and it's in the wash.  I think I have enough fabric left over for a skirt!  All for about 6 bucks from the thrift store.  It's not quite ME if you get my drift, but it's still cute so I will wear it anyway. 

Got some denim of 2 different weights from the thrift store as well so I want to make a denim skirt out of one or both.  We'll see. 

This morning I made some chocolate chip/cranberry cookies with some organic eggs from a coworker.  Dang, they look fabulous.  Trying to eat right tho so avoiding them as much as possible.  May take them to work.  We'll see.

Cleaned the house this morning, somewhat anyway.  I need to mow but not sure I'll get to it today.  I should since it's supposed to be hotter tomorrow.  You know, funny coincidence: Every time there's the tulip festival is also the time i think about going downtown to the library, or taking a drive to Anacortes, or anything around the traffic/crowds.  What is up with that?!  Every freaking year!  Subconsciously want to join the fray???  I don't know.


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