Sunshine and roses

Another stellar day today, and we're due for more in the next week.  The mowing got done yesterday.  I mustered the motivation after walking around the house in the tall grass.  Sure looked better.  Well, looks present tense.  Today I pulled a few weeds and then planted some flower seeds.  It's a crap shoot as to whether I'm too late getting them in the ground. 

Got the house sort of cleaned up yesterday as well.  Spot mopped the kitchen as it was power cleaned not too long ago.  Just did the heavy traffic areas which were grubby.  I also cleaned up my dresser drawers yesterday and took the stuff cleaned out to Goodwill.  Felt good to get that task done as well.  Been bothering me. 

Next up, some hard digging.  Ugh.  The southern veggie garden bed just had some sand dumped on it and I need to turn that in.  SOOOO far behind planting it's ridiculous.  Oh well.


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