My Cashmerette muslin and my opinion of it

Just finished...well not hemmed yet, the Cashmerette wrap dress.  Gotta say, the neckband was a bit of a struggle to get nice looking.  Still isn't THAT nice, but better than it started out to be.  I think in general it's my inability to manipulate the ITY knit very smoothly that's to blame, not the pattern.  It was a good learning muslin though.  I made some notes and now want to get some slightly heavier knit fabric, preferably with some print on it to hide any small sewing boo boos to make the for real dress.  This one I just am not happy with my sewing on it so will probably turn it into a wadder, not keep it to wear.  Good to have it tackled though so now I know what to do differently.

Got the house cleaned up and some of my sewing fabric straightened up so I can next tackle that blouse I mentioned earlier.  My sewing table is now free to clutter up again! ;) 

Forgot to mention last weekend I tuned the piano for the jazz concert at the Byrnes Performing Arts center again this year.  Got to see the Orrin Evans Trio perform.  What a treat that is.  I hope they continue to use my services for many years to come.  Those concerts are such a special reward for me!  And might I say the Arlington HS Jazz Band totally rocked this year.  Really, really good group of kids.


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