Gathered my intestinal fortitude tonight and went shopping for pants.  Next to a bra it is my least favorite thing to shop for.  Well, I hate shopping, so that leaves a wide range of things.  ANYWAY, since I've lost weight I had only a general idea of what size I now probably was.  Well, YAY ME!  I'm a size I haven't been in probably a dozen years give or take.  And since $$ is tight I got them at the outlet mall on the 50% off rack.  Looked for more in that size but alas it was not to be.  Walked away with a pair of pants and a knit shirt.

Also got called to the MV office today where they plan on moving me "very soon" to log onto the computer at the station I'll be to make sure all the stuff I'll need is on it.  Well, it wouldn't let me log in so it was a wasted trip.  And the computer is very slow.  They may move the computer I'm using in Woolley over to MV.  It sure beats the ancient beast that's currently there.  Ugh.  I'm sort of looking forward to the gas savings, but not much else.  I'll be entering the land of the backstabbers and gossips.  You know, the usual large company thing.  Whoopee. :(

Chores are calling.  I better get off this computer and get busy. 


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