The chicadees are watching and waiting

We got snow this morning!  It's beautiful out there!  Had to laugh as Ripley the weather cat (she usually doesn't care what it's doing as long as she can go outside) just stepped on the porch, took 2 steps in the snow then turned and came back inside.  Curiosity taken care of! 

We went grocery shopping yesterday and didn't buy bird seed though we had planned to.  Now our suet is gone as well as the seed in the feeder.  Guess we'll be walking down to the farmers supply a few blocks from our house to remedy that situation as soon as it opens.  In the meantime I mixed up some lard, peanut butter, corn meal, flour, and raisins for them.  Waiting for it to firm up enough to put out there.  The birds are hanging out in the lilac bush just waiting.  I didn't have seed to add, not even millet!  However, when I reviewed the recipe for suet feeders from a magazine that I have used for years, it really doesn't call for that much seed surprisingly enough.  So since I had everything else that's what I did.  There's enough fuel in there to get them by for now.


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