The mother ship

My second full day at the MV office.  I feel like a rodent in an underground hole.  Now, I'm not actually underground but I am in an inner room of the building.  Poor air circulation and there's no concept of time passing, except watching my inbox vs my outbox shift only to be filled again.  It was also day 2 of my resolution to walk to work.  It is not bad.  Shaved off 3 minutes from my time today too.  I enjoyed it but I must take the car tomorrow and Thurs since I have tunings after work I need to get to.  Friday though I'll be walking again.  So 3 days out of 5 in which I walked my first week there...not bad.

I am being assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
The corporate equivalent of the Borg.  Now that I'm at the mothership I must conform.  Sigh.


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