Work, work, and more work...HURRAH!

Been busy working.  In Arlington!  Went there pretty much every day after regular work hours to tune every day.  Tuned locally here this morning.  Felt good not to have to drive 1/2 hr before tuning. 

Went to Joanne's to try to find some fabric on sale to make some work pants that fit.  All my pants are sagging on me now and last weekend I wore a pair of jeans that I was able to pull down without unzipping.  Wow!  I just need some slacks for work.  Jeans can wait until I'm at my goal weight. Got stuck in the cutting line behind women planning BIG projects that needed lots of stuff cut.  When I finally got to the cash registers their system was down so my debit card had to be called in.  Geez, what should have been a quick run turned into a 45 minute nightmare of waiting!

Made 7-layer cookies for the hub this afternoon, but it was really 6-layer since I was out of butterscotch chips.  Am not about to make a special grocery run just for butterscotch chips.  The verdict on the finished product was good.  He ate 3 in one sitting! :)

Think I'll sew this evening.  I'm feeling motivated again after taking time out to listen to to the Vinyl Cafe and most of Prairie Home Companion which is still playing as I type.  I must make piping.  Hmmm.  Have rotary cutter, will make!

Have a good night till next time.


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