my subject today....FOOD, mostly.

Leave him alone for a few hours and we have lights!  The hub put up Xmas lights today while I was in B'ham working on a piano.  Waiting for it to get darker so I can go take a picture! He even strung lights in the bamboo there on the right.  He put up a lighted pendant from the living room overhead light.  It's red.  Very cool.  I was wondering where we could hang that!  Still debating about the whole tree thing.  Here or down at Shawns???  Or not at all?  Hmmmm. 

Made a different recipe for ginger cookies this afternoon.  It's more like a soft cookie.  Found it in an old church cookbook.  What drew me to it was the call for a dash of cayenne pepper in it.  Tastes okay but I like Mom's ginger crinkles better.  I boxed some of Mom's version up and the hub will send them to his Dad next week.  I have a chocolate cake in the oven right now.  I think I'm going to make a version of Harry & David's Moose Munch later, or perhaps tomorrow.  I bought peanuts for the original plan of making peanut brittle but moose munch popped into my head and I think I'll try mocking that up.  DH would love it.

Last night was cold and called for comfort food.  I put a roast in the oven, threw in some onion soup mix and a bit of coffee, threw in potatoes halfway thru, and TA DA!  A side salad and gravy and a comfort food meal was served.  Gosh it was good. Last week I made pizza dough and we had pizza a couple nights.  OMG!  Sure was good.  I am so glad I have a pizza stone to cook them on.  Only thing I could use is a pizza peel to get the darn thing from the board to the stone in the oven. Ah well, I made do and it was still delicious!  What to fix for dinner tonite?  I just don't know.  I'm drawing a blank and it's 5:00 already.  Better get busy!


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