Mixed review of Xmas.

Good holiday weekend despite it all!  We both felt just icky, not really sick, just icky.  That's okay because it was easy to deal with.  My chest freezer had crapped out sometime Thursday or Friday because when I went to get something for dinner Friday night everything was defrosted.  Not warm, just defrosted.  So, I got busy in the kitchen that night and made turkey stock out of the thanksgiving carcass I had in there, cooked down the berries into syrup since they were mush after defrosting, threw the crab away as I just don't trust seafood, and worked with the rest over the next couple days. 

So for Xmas dinner we made Turkey dumpling soup, rhubarb/blueberry pie (a freezer rescue), and pumpkin pie with whipped cream.  It was different but good.  Then we spent the rest of the day watching season 3 of Sons of Anarchy.  I was in heaven!  Daulton got a designer milk chocolate bar from me while I got to watch the Sons with no whining from him.  It was great!

What shall we do for new years?  Hmmm.


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