The ridiculousness of it all

Nice birthday today!  Got well wishes from many, many people.  Really nice!  I even got well wishes from coworkers.  Oh, but I have to get a PPD test for my employee file and dredge up my immunization record from my baby book for them also.  Geez.  Being part of the hospital means we have to abide by different rules.  I even had to take a color blindness test today.  For pete's sake.  I had to laugh since for the past 12 years my job involved COLOR CODED CHARTS.  I couldn't have done that job color blind for gawd's sake! My coworker, however, did NOT have to take that color test.  So, has word got out that I clash when I dress myself or something? 

Makes ya wonder about the logic of things.  Anyhoo, I'm off to the attic to try and find my baby book for the above mentioned immunization record.


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