Camping - HURRAH!

I'm leaving in a couple hours for the ladies only camping trip I've had in the works since April. I know the turnout won't be as big as last year, but that is okay. I just will be glad to get away from the stresses in my life and relax. I have to load the bike and the firewood, then I am pretty much ready. It's only about 45 minutes away so I'm not doing a major road trip or anything. And yes, I am taking the motor home. Scary...the thought of me driving the motor home ALL BY MYSELF!! Actually I've driven it some with Daulton so I know what I'm doing. Just not totally comfortable backing the thing up. Fortunately Rasar State Park has a pretty easy site to back into.

Work has gone surprisingly well this week. All concerned were in good moods and seemed to get along. We did have that stupid "team building" meeting Tuesday that accomplished nothing. WE had already hashed things out between ourselves long before this so-called necessary meeting. We had several questionnaires we had to fill out beforehand. I think it was so the new HIM manager can see who she wants to keep and who to ax when the new EMR system takes effect. Those questionnaires told her pretty much what sort of problem solvers and work styles we each had. After all, she has a degree in psychology (wooo)! Those of us in medical records work so closely together in that small room that we already know each other's habits, work styles, and we make allowances to get along. The only thing closer would be a tattoo! Heheh!

I better get back to loading the firewood. There's the last minute check on everything too, to make sure I have everything.


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