Camp bust - et al

A smaller turnout was an understatement. Almost no one made it in the end. Let me tell you, it will be a long time before I decide to arrange one of these for numerous people again.

On the bright side I burned through 1 1/2 books (a rare occurrence), cut out several blocks for a quilt I've had on the back burner for a while, and really enjoyed the fire, a margarita or two, and the peacefulness of it all. I also had no problems with driving the beast or generally running everything on it, including the inverter so I could watch a movie or two. Pretty cool! When the fire burned down I went in to watch "The Usual Suspects". It's been years since I saw it and had forgotten a large part of it. Great movie!

Now it's back to the grindstone. The work thing is going okay. A couple personalities still grate on each other occasionally, but they seem to be handling it for the most part. I won't be able to work so much next week, as I have tunings in the schools to do.

There's a gal coming tonight with the window company to measure the last remaining windows and give us an updated estimate. It's been 3 or more years since we last had one of the windows installed, so we need a current dollar amount. Hope it doesn't break the bank! We still have a porch to rebuild!

Oh, speaking of all things home repair related, DH began dismantling the old oil furnace downstairs while I was away. What a beast it is. Will take a couple guys to get it down and out the door. Cast iron and heavy!!!! He's taken all parts off that he can. Now it's down to the bare boiler or whatever you call it and the collector thingie. Yes, techno-speak I know (snigger). I don't know the first thing about the darn thing. Sure is a dusty mess though. Ugh.

Soup's on! Have a nice evening all!


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