Tax time....shudder!

Bookkeeping. Not my strong suit. That's putting it mildly. I've spent the last 2.5 hours getting my year end stuff together so I can pay my sales tax to the state. It's due tomorrow. I am also making myself get a headache trying to get our Horizon Bank account to download into Quicken '07. Grrrrr. Not happening! So I finally emailed a help question to them. Hopefully will hear by later today.

Spoke with Ross last week. He's starting his own business. It will be a materials placement system. Sort of like a telebelt for placing rock, dirt, etc. It can sling material up to 125 ft I think he said. He'll be buying his truck and forging out on his own. He's currently in the process of submitting business plans to banks etc. Getting his ducks in a row. He called to ask me some questions about that sort of thing. Frankly I needed no financial backing from a bank to start tuning. All I needed were my tools, which I had from attending school. Couldn't help him much. Good luck to him. I'm sure he'll be successful. He's the kind of guy who can schmooze with anyone and get along. He'd be a good salesman for his product.

D-man is going to partner up with his boss on a land investment if we can come up with the initial down payment. I think we can. We may be $1000 short, but we can round that up I think. He wants to get outta the grunt work to such a degree and develop property and then sell it. Land is going good here still so the potential to make a profit is good.

I'm just trying to get through school as quickly yet accurately as possible. Oh, and squeeze in house cleaning, doing taxes, pay bills, fix D-man's rain pants, cut back the dead stuff in the yard, fix dinner, you name it. Tried to get Daulton to help me with this, but that has only lasted a couple weeks. I realize he works hard all week but he certainly could throw laundry in the wash and clean the bathroom once in a while. Taking the garbage out helps, but not enough. Yet he nags me all the time about school. Granted, I have procrastinated to the last increment on school so my back is to the wall, and I have really buckled down and understand the urgency for me to get done and get a job to increase our income, but does he need to go on a tirade about it every night? I'm sick of hearing it and watching him go on and on and on and on then getting himself worked up about it. I'm doing it. I'd like just one night to go by without hearing about it. Just one pleasant evening where he doesn't rant. Ah, what a fantasy. (sigh)


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