Sunshine, glorious sunshine!

What a stunning least for most of it. First I started the day by sleeping in!!! That's something I don't get to do with the DH around. He figures I can sleep when I'm dead. After typing all morning then running errands, I decided to go walking on the Padilla Bay Estuary trail. Yes, you read that right. I EXERCISED! The sun was shining and the winds were calm. Perfect day to drive there and perambulate the trail watching for herons, mallards, otters, and other wildlife. Succeeded in seeing a heron and a mallard, several people, but little else. It was glorious none-the-less. Pix above don't do it justice. I only had my phone camera. You just hadda be there!

The DH should be home any time. It was week two of chaperoning to Mt. Baker. He called this morning and said there was fresh powder and it was fast skiing. Tough for a newbie like him. Hope he had fun regardless.


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