Cold weather, breaks, etc.

My friend just busted her ankle up good!!! I spent the last day or so trying to figure out how the h**l she did it so badly! One of the great mysteries of the universe I guess. We'll never know.

Spent part of the morning getting my bookkeeping in order. I know it sounds depressing, but I got a list of all our accounts, savings, investments, credit cards, etc. together and put it all on paper for my husband should I ever meet my demise or become mental. I do all the bill paying and handling the paperwork so I know where and what everything is. He was complaining yesterday how he'd be screwed if something were to happen to me so I decided to remedy the situation. It's really not that difficult. Most everything is done online through the bank, but now he has it all in writing.

The thought of him grousing while trying to do paperwork makes me laugh. He doesn't have the patience for the details usually and creates a stream of epithets dripping off the walls when he does try.

***Okay, I let the above entry marinate in "drafts" for a few days. I just now got on the computer and decided to update my blog so pardon the disjointedness.

D-man is expected back at any time. Today was the first day as a chaperone on the ski bus. Can you imagine? Dying to know how it went on the bus. He can be a bit gruff sometimes. He left at Oh dark-thirty this morning and I got up shortly after. We are shorthanded at the medical center in records so I left at 5:30 to spend a few hours filing. Ugh. And wouldn't you know the IT dept. has blocked access to the radio on media player now. Not like we ever listened to it during the week, but it sure was great to turn on doing overtime on the weekends. There's no one on the server to speak of on weekends so what's the beef? That's when I get caught up on NPR and all the news. Then I switch to vocal jazz for the rest of the shift. It really sucks filing paperwork in absolute silence! There's no radio reception there otherwise. Left after 5 hours because my joints were killing me from pulling charts.

It's gonna warm up again later in the week!!! I can tell you from just the last few days of bitter cold that I'm NOT cut out for this...though I can deal with the cold as long as the roads are clear. I just don't like having to suit up every time I need to leave the house or work; boots, hat, scarf, heavy coat, gloves, and shoes to change into when I get to work. Perhaps I'm whining...ya, I'm whining. Denver has it much worse. Guess I should not complain in case I jinx it!


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