Life rut and chaperone update

The bus escapade went fine from the sounds of it!! Kids made a mess of the bus when they left though, so each row will be allowed to exit one at a time only after an inspection of their area for detritus is conducted. They'll hate that. Seems the kids don't know how to use a garbage can. They'll learn.

I have NO tunings this week except for a couple schools in the late afternoon. Bummer. I have been doing homework most of the morning. Just got done typing a LOOOONNNNGGGG surgery report. Probably the longest I've done to date. I need to proof it, but it all looks like garbage to me right now. I need sustenance!!! I also need to run a couple errands. Such a mundane life I'm leading. When I get through with school I plan on doing some things to jazz it up. Sick of the daily drudgery of life. When I read it here on my blog I see how truly dull it is being caught up in my life rut. Don't know what I'll do, but something...anything to break the tedium.

Update: Another day of primarily typing. The orthopedic section of school consists of LOOONNNGGG operative reports. Can't wait to get through the ortho section. I'm almost done. Just a couple more reports to do then on to plastic surgery.

Did deposit DH's lotto winnings. He's a "thousandaire." After taxes a "hundredaire." Still, it was nice to finally win something other than a free ticket. DH bought new ski boots last night with the winnings. He needed some that fit. Badly!!! And he needed to be properly fitted by someone that knew what they were doing. Not the guys at Play it Again Sports. We also ordered another bed from Sleep Number. One of their reconditioned ones like we did before. So that is where the big winnings are going.


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