Procrastinators extraordinaire!

We waited till last minute. We got the permit to upgrade our electrical wiring almost a year ago. A year ago next week actually. We did it ourselves. My DH has put off doing the final stuff till....THIS WEEK! We've had a year to work on it, but every time I mention getting the inspection done he says to wait. Now crunch time is here and he's stressing because we aren't quite ready. I dug a 12-inch deep trench for burying the ground wire this morning. Rocky darn soil! Tough going as I had to work around my established rose bush, hostas, and other plants. Finally got torqued off and took the hostas out. Couldn't take the rose bush out. Don't think it would survive the shock. We've had the house wiring done now for quite a while. It was just the niggly things left to do before inspection, like stapling the last wire we put in, labeling the door for the new breaker box, digging and burying the ground wire, etc.

Husband swears he will never buy a fixer-upper again. Frankly I think he'd be shocked to find out how much there is with a newer house also. Maybe not the rewiring and new plumbing, but there's always something that needs doing. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so. Seen plenty of new houses with things needing fixed because of something done incorrectly, leaky toilet not noticed till the floor needed replaced, etc.

Looks like we are going to a Mariner game tonight. Boss gave DH tickets as he couldn't go. How FUN! Looking forward to doing something different, and on a weekday no less! Got much done today already, and it's only 2:30. Still have more, but what's new. Seems there's always something to do that doesn't get done on the day I figured. 'Course, if I didn't stop to blog I'd probably have the vacuuming done already. What's the fun in that?!


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