outta here!

Leaving for Eugene tomorrow morn!!!! Looking forward to time away from the maddening crowd. By myself! DH is dealing with me driving for 5 hours by myself. He didn't want me to go, but since a recent argument he is glad I'm going. For some reason he seems to think he needs to travel with me, as if I'm not capable of seeking help or watching my back by myself.

Anywaaaaay, just glad to be getting outta here. Watering the lawn one last time. Ran errands all afternoon to catch up. I swear they never end! And I'll just leave the lawn mowing to my husband. What kind of odds would you give that it'll be done when I get back? Ha! Need to get some ironing done so I have something cool to wear, looks like the drive down there will be HOT!~ At least for this pasty, thick blooded northerner.


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