As the World Turns

Tough times for someone near and dear to me. I'm here for cheerleader, crying shoulder, sounding board, drinking buddy, whatever. Hate seeing these things happen. DP, hugs to you.

Can't we all just get along, to quote Mr. King (Rodney, not Martin Luther.) For being a numb nut, he sure asked the unanswerable question I'd like to take to the wise sage on the mountain top. Perhaps then we could continue peacefully with our lives, letting others do the same.

Despite our personal demons and trials, the world continues to turn and my grass continues to grow. Took care of that this morning. Weeding, which I have neglected since planting lawn seed over a month ago, was tackled just a short while ago. Found weeds 2 ft. tall amongst my irises! Gads. I was apalled. Knew it was bad, but that was terrible! I need to get mulch, but we shot our wad this pay period on a new bed and SEASON 2 of DEADWOOD! Mulch will wait. Did go to the hardware store and picked up some toxic vegetation killer. Just one step down from the one the gardening guy said was only "one proton and 2 neutrons away from agent orange." Gack! I felt bad enough getting the one I bought. I also priced weed-n-feed stuff. Gotta wait another week before I can use that on those tender grass shoots. I WILL have a decent lawn this year. That's my vow and I'm gonna do my damnedest to reach it. Sick of being the ragtag lawn in the neighborhhood.

Speaking of DEADWOOD, is anyone as addicted to it as we are? We were given Season 1 at Xmas and thought "Sure, it can't be THAT good." Boy, after 2 episodes we were so hooked it became an obsession till we were finished. This season 2 has proven to be the same. We watched 6 episodes yesterday in a row! It is so well written, authentic to every detail, including ankle-deep mud, printer's ink staining the newspaper man's hands, dirt under fingernails, homespun clothing, language, you name it, they've researched it. There's twists, plot turns, and some of the most colorful characters in recent memory! LOVE IT!


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