Covert ass busting

We had just recently got a cordless headset for listening to the TV while the other party is on the computer, reads, whatever. I thought that was pretty cool! How very handy for studying, etc. Of course I wanted to try them out, so one night I wanted to finish watching a show, can't recall what, probably something on the sci fi channel while DH finished his book. Anyhoo, I was intently watching my show while DH was beside me reading when I so delicately "busted ass" as my DH would say. I looked over at him with a smirk, (and this is when the airhead in me comes out) thinking he can't hear me. Now granted the thought was brief, because I suddenly realized as he looked over at me with a surprised look on his face that I was the one wearing the headphones, not him!!! He heard me loud and clear! I started giggling as the lightbulb finally came back on over my head. I continued to giggle and gasp and try to tell him what went through my mind. He just smiled, shook his head, and said he already knew what I was thinking by my facial expression.

Sometimes I crack myself up! What a ditz!!!


Lunarsola said…
You dork!!! :)

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