Yes it's ladies night oh what a night

Tonight was ladies night at a local nursery.  They featured I think over a dozen Xmas trees all decorated with different themes and we could buy the ornaments right off the trees.  WAY COOL!  There were some really clever trees there.  My personal favorites were the coffee/chocolate tree and the turquoise/white themed tree.  There were fruit platters, veggie platters, tomato bisque soup, meatballs, pasta, cream puffs, and several other things.  There were several vendors there too, all local.  There was a chocolate company and they make it right here in good ol' MV! 

I took a coworker/friend with me.  She had never been to that nursery or anything like that and she had a good time!  We went compliments of another friend who hooked us up with tickets.  They have another ladies night in the spring where they sell plants...duh, it's a nursery.  We plan to go then too.

I'm sitting here now in pj's and my gold robe and wishing I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.  Oh well.  Today I got off at 3:00 to tear down to Arlington where I tuned 2 pianos before heading to the nursery.  I will be doing the Arlington gig a few times over the next few weeks as I tune the school pianos down there.

Just gotta wait for the $$.  Darn it.


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