Elizabeth Taylor had nothing on me!

K.  Here it is.  The robe made out of a gold satin sheet.  I did some decorative stitching around the collar and front edge.  Should have taken a closeup so you could see it but I didn't.  Didn't think of it till right this minute!  It's about time I completed a project instead of just plotting them out!  Just finished it about 20 minutes ago and will use it tonight.  Yay me!

Today we met up with an older couple for breakfast then drove to Concrete with them to their hangar to pick up an engine.  Nice visit with both of them and it broke up our otherwise unplanned Sunday.  After we got home and had lunch I began working on the robe to get it off my sewing table and to-do list.  Next up, I am not sure.  Lots of things in my head though.

I better go clean up my sewing threads and station in preparation for the next one.  Talk later!


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