Halloween is fast approaching

I wanted to duplicate a halloween wall hanging I did a few years ago since I've been holding onto the scraps from it along with the extra main panel all this time.  Hanging it on my wall at work was to be my reason for digging the stuff out.  Well, I can't find the directions!  Dang.  I'll have to rethink that little project.

Here's that purse, finally completed!  I am trying to make a shawl (crochet) with some yarn I have been staring at for a while.  Boy, my hands just aren't as dextrous as they used to be.  My tension is terrible!  Speaking of my hands I tried writing a note to a customer and my handwriting has gone in the crapper too!  I type and don't write so legibility has gone out the window. 

Urbanthreads.com has some great new halloween embroidery that has inspired me.  Granted, I haven't downloaded any designs to embroider but I recently discovered "mug rugs" where there's a small quilting project roughly 6: x 10" to act as a coaster and a small spot for a snack.  It intrigues me and I may make some for my fellow coworkers.  One of whom is a panda freak and the above website has some cool panda designs that would work up into a great mug rug.  I have the test workup of the dragonfly that would work up into a good mug rug.  Hmmm, the wheels are turning!


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