creaky knees

80's night at the local Casino...sounded like a good idea at the time.  A few of us got together and went last night and it was fun!  No doubt about it.  However, I really, really need to work out because my thighs and knees are absolutely killing me today.  I had laundry to do and the stairs about killed me.  Moaning and grunting could be heard throughout the house with each stair I went up or down.  Pitiful.  They burned so bad when I went to bed last night it took awhile to get to sleep!  Then my dear hubbie informed me "wait until tomorrow" which I suppose is true.  Usually takes 2 days for the muscles to REALLY complain.  And talk about sleeping in!  Even when I do stay out late, which is rare, I wake up at 8 or 8:30 at the latest.  I pealed my eyes open, groped for my glasses to see the clock expecting to see 8:30 or so....10:35?????!!!!!  WOW!  I must have burned the candle last night! 

I'd do it again in a minute though.  Nice to see my friends who I don't see that often.  Gotta make a comment about the men though.  Lame.  Yep, that's my editorial judgement.  Lame.  The dance floor was filled with 99.9% females and one husband.  The rest of the male population sat on the fringes or watched the dancing from the door.  Kinda creepy in a way.  We didn't care though as all of us flailed around on the dance floor exorcising our demons of stress and letting our hair down.  It was a sight to see.


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