Yes, we're still alive and functioning

What not to do when anchoring for the night!  We saw this down in a bay by Marysville Sunday morning.  I had seen the sailboat anchor the night before but come sunday morning it looked as if it had been planted!  Looks are deceiving because this is about a 30-ft sailboat!  Bet they were bumming as the tide came in!

Let's see, what have we been up to?  Not much since we don't have two nickels to rub together at the moment but joy of joys, we got the other railing put up on our porch stairs!!!!  It has been what, 2 years at least we've existed with just one side done, but a couple weekends ago we reviewed what to do, girded our loins, promised not to snap at each other, and tackled it.  WOO HOOO!  And very little blood was shed in the process! 

Daulton planted a garden this year but very little came up, though his tomatoes he started indoors have suddenly gone bonkers!  He started a lot since last year we lost a lot of them.  This year I think almost all of them took!  Guess what I'll be canning?!  Our broccoli has done superbly this year too.  I think because of the cooler weather.  And our sugar peas did well too.  They are about done though.

I mowed the lawn this evening and I gotta tell ya, I about barfed.  I ran over a fresh mouse kill and the stench when I hit it was....shudder.  I saw it in the grass just as I began to run over it.  I got a shovel and put it in the garbage, but GACK!  What a rude thing to experience while in that meditative, focused state mowing puts me in as I see the yard look nicer and nicer.

I haven't been sewing much, though I did make a skirt with some fabric someone gave me.  It is Indian and has those little mirrors in it along one border.  Made into a cute skirt!  I've lot 11 pounds now since I made it with more dropping all the time so of course I'll be taking it in soon.  Darn.  Yay, but darn.  Desewing is such a drag! 

I have another purse cut out and I need to devote some time to getting it done.  I want to embroider a dragonfly on a lower edge which is time consuming and makes a lot of racket as the machine embroiders so I'll have to do it during the day sometime.  I've been making and effort to use up fabric in my stash that has been there quite a while. 

Guess that's it in a nutshell!


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