I need a nap!

The vegetable garden is officially weeded.  Whew.  It's been a busy week.  I took Mon/Tues off with the clinic to spend all day each day tuning the high school pianos.  They were a lot of work.  On Tuesday I also tuned 2 other pianos for a total of 11.  Wed & Thurs spent at the clinic which felt a bit like a vacation (WTH?) then Friday after a day at the clinic I tuned another piano.  Saturday morn 2 more pianos for another person were tuned then home to work on the sorely neglected veggie garden.  The weeds and grass were so bad it was ridiculous!  And morning glory keeps trying to take over the tomatoes.  That night I truly collapsed.  I slept 2 hours for a nap, got up to watch TV with the hub but couldn't stay awake for longer than 2 hours so went back to bed and didn't wake up till 7:30 this morning. 

The hub and I spent a couple hours today just waking up and watching the news then went outside to dig up the potatoes and finish weeding.  I'm pooped!  We went grocery shopping though and it was needed.  We were quite low on lots of things so the larder is full, relatively speaking.  Wish I had more exciting news but it's just been too busy keeping the bills paid to do much exciting things or pursue my sewing hobby.  sigh.


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