
Don't know that the previously mentioned butterfly table runner went over very well.  She seemed....unimpressed.  Oh well.  I had fun making it anyway.  May make one for myself someday.  I saved the pattern I downloaded from a web site. 

Last night despite a horrible stuffed up head, I went out with a girlfriend for a cocktail then dancing.  The band we like to see is retiring the first of the year and this was the last performance in our area.  Had a great time just chatting and sipping a clean, crisp martini before the dancing.  We ended up running out of steam by 11:45 and we left but it was still fun.  Didn't know how miserable I was until we got out of all that noise and cigarette smoke and tried breathing fresh air.  My nose was STUFFED!  Anyhoo we toddled on home and I took a Sudafed to get through the night. Woke up unable to breathe through my nose again.  This sucks.

I took my stuffed up self to the mall to get new undergarments.  The girls were headed south in my old ones if you know what I mean.  After much trial and error I found some.  The variety of fit all in the same size boggles my mind.  Some squeeze, make 'em pointy, bulge out the top, have pockets of dead air, or bind.  It's times like this I wish I just had 2 fried eggs on a nail.   Sigh.  Then to pay for them makes me whimper.  Fortunately there was a 40% off sale going on which I didn't know when I went there.

So that's my weekend so far.  Oh, and curse Lady GaGa.  I can't get that ROMANCE song out of my head!


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