Ebay to the rescue!

Sleep.  Sleep.  I may just get some this week...DH will be in Olympia till Friday so there's a likely chance I'll get some uninterrupted sleep for a change.   Hmmm.  I can only imagine.

He left me a to-do list also which I've done some of already.  I have more to do along with some of my own.  The thermostat in our oven has been slowly...acting up.  One of my to-do's was to go to the local appliance store and get one.  It would have been two weeks before they could get me one MINIMUM.  It's Xmas for cryin' out loud!!!  Xmas without an oven!!!!  Bah.  So I got on the internet and found a brand new one for half the cost from an appliance parts place on Ebay.   Huzzah!  It'll be here before Xmas.  In the meantime I can go out to the motor home and bake if I have such an urge.  I may just do that.  I want to make another batch of biscotti, and I have to make something for the secret santa party this friday at work.  What I don't know.  That's something on my to-do list to figure out.  Probably something crock pot.  Anyone have any brilliant ideas?

I hear the mournful cry of my sewing machine.  Think I'll sew a bit before tackling another chore.  I may just get that quilt done yet...NAH!  It's dragging on forever.  At this rate I'll be dead before its finished.


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