A noble founding father

Still slogging through the biography of John Adams.  Don't get me wrong, it is really interesting and I've learned quite a bit about the man and his times, but sometimes it is a bit dry and since I read just before bed it makes me sleepy quickly.  When I get done with it I'm going to celebrate and read some fluff.  Something I can get through in hours rather than weeks that doesn't require much concentration. 

What I'm currently finding fascinating is Thomas Jefferson...not the forthright, outstanding citizen I was led to believe in school.  A backstabbing cad actually.  Quite different from my mental image of the man.  And I have new respect for John Adams.  He was glossed over in favor or more glamorous founding fathers when I was in school.  Glamorous he was not, but an honest, upstanding, intelligent man with integrity and much to be admired.

I'm taking a respite from sewing.  I still have those 190 buttons to sew on that quilt but the binding is on and done.  Just need to work up the gumption to do that.  I really want to sew a pair of pants and a jacket for work.  Now that I sit on my bum all day I get chilly especially around the shoulders.  Sometimes my right hand gets chilled too from hovering for hours over a mouse.  Weird.  Can one type and use a mouse adequately with gloves on??? 

Met my little Bro for our birthday Monday.  He's 40....whoa.  I'm 46....whoa.  Still feel mentally like I'm in my mid to late 20's..early 30's at the latest.  Still, it was just him and me at the restaurant chatting over cocktails and appetizers.  Exactly right I'm thinkin'.  Then came home and had pizza and a movie with my hubbie.  Really good birthday actually!


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