Oh to be rich instead of so darn good looking!

I just got in to Lopez Island a little while ago, and I'm staying in our motor home at a job site that is out of this world. It overlooks the water and there's the hugest home being built here. The family (or families) is moving in this weekend. The furniture is supposed to be mostly here and I walked by it tonight after I got here. Felt a bit like a peeping tom as I looked in the windows from the road in front of it. OMG! This house will no doubt be in Architectural Digest or some such one of these days. I will walk around more tomorrow when it's daylight. Right now I'm stumbling my way around in the dark.

Really debated about coming out here tonight versus tomorrow morn. Glad I came. Looking forward to seeing the sun rise on the water. Right now the wind is blowing and it is COLLLD! The motor home is rocking in the gusts. The guys are supposed to be working just a couple hours more, then the tide will be in too far to continue.

On another note -- I got our Xmas tree put up the other night with lights on it, but the decorations continue to languish in boxes down stairs. But to be fair, I did reconfigure the living room a bit and moved the entertainment center out and utilized a buffet as the new entertainment center. Got rid of the monolith. And I did it all by myself. I only ended up with 1 RCA cable I didn't know where it went. Pretty good for a technophobe. I cheated however. I used our little digital camera to take pix of the backs of all the components before I unhooked them so I could duplicate it after moving them. Not really in the Xmas spirit but am trying.

Finished a blouse I've had in the works for a couple weeks now. Fits pretty good. Could use about another inch around the abdomen but otherwise fits fine. I've had the material and pattern for a couple years now. Talk about procrastination!!!! Think I'll make that fitting adjustment on the pattern and make another! It went together fairly well and looks nice. It's red. My new Xmas shirt I guess.

Better go. I wanna heat a pot of water before the guys get here.


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