Brrr! and other ramblings

Had a lovely birthday -- yes, I'm 44 now. Still feel like a 20-something, but smarter. I treated myself to a massage in the morning, saw some relatives the middle of the day, then went to a former coworker/friend's house with some other girls and had dinner and cocktails. It was a fun visit.

It was not a late night. I was home by 8:30 only to find that the guy who was putting in our furnace couldn't fix the rattle it had at start-up and in his attempt I think burned out the blower motor. He had the furnace off and a note on it telling me not to use it as there's a terrible odor. I had smelled it before I left for dinner and was hoping at the time he wasn't burning my house down. It's a chilly 58 degrees in here. I turned on a small heater downstairs last night to keep it warm down there. This morning I brought up the other heater and plugged it in. The poor thing is working like a fiend to warm it up in here. It's just gone up one degree. It might be tolerable by noon at this rate. I think I would have rather lived with the rattle until another motor could be ordered! Of course it's cold outside thus making it cold in here. If it can't be fixed today I think I'll buy another small heater to help the poor thing out. While it was working it was really warm in the house. We actually had to turn it down a bit from our old setting!

My brother and I are going to a family funeral today. Our mother's cousin's wife. She was diagnosed just a short time ago with pancreatic cancer and it took her last Saturday. Fast acting cancer. Devastating. At times like this I just don't know what to say. I've been through the loss of my parents, and I remember some things people said to me, but I still feel inadequate to say anything of any help or condolence at times like this. I do remember just seeing people at the memorial service was a big help and I'm hoping our attendance and support will help in some small way to the grieving family.

The old saying of time healing all wounds holds somewhat true. I never will "get over" the loss of my parents but it became livable with time. The acute ache is gone. I still miss them and always will but life continues.


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