My life in the TARDIS (Doctor Who reference)

The office Xmas dinner was last night. I got off an hour before everyone else so another coworker who also got off at the same time as I did went ahead to the restaurant and had a cocktail. 2 actually. We walked into the area where almost everyone was by 6:30, holding our drinks, and people figured we were pie-eyed. Not so, but I have to say the bartender poured the second drink kind of heavy, and we were both feeling a bit sparkly. Anyhoo, we had a very pleasant dinner and enjoyed pleasant conversation and playing with the kids that were there.

I must pat myself on the back. Just a few minutes ago I figured out why I wasn't able to record shows with our DVR. I had moved the whole entertainment center to another unit to make room for the Xmas tree and got everything plugged in pretty much correctly. Something was wrong since I couldn't record. I just spent 15 minutes puzzling it out and I GOT IT!! I'm currently recording a movie. Whew. One less thing to have the DH try to figure out. He tried it last time he was home and his patience level was nil. His crankiness increased with every second spent with his head in the cabinet or behind it trying to figure out what to do. I ROCK!

Something is wrong with my internal time line. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that Xmas is in 4 days. In my mind it's still a couple weeks away, thus the delay in getting my cards out to people, getting gifts, and the general behindedness (yes I know, I just made it up) I've had all month. Can't believe 2008 is just over a week away. Good Lord, I swear I just recently got used to writing 2007, now I have to retrain myself to write 08. I'd chalk it up to perimenopause, but a rift in the personal time/space continuum was never listed in the symptoms! :D

Hot flashes, now that's another story. Can I run around in tank tops at work? Please? And the night sweats -- ugh! Fortunately I don't get them too much yet, but it's miserable when I do.

The drudgery of house work calls. I'm procrastinating by blogging but the bathroom is beginning to get on my nerves. It's lurking over my shoulder sending images of dirt and grime to my brain. Yuck!

Have a good holiday everyone!


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