New windows and old head cold

They're here! The guys from Penguin Windows are here installing the last 3 windows. They showed up 20 minutes early. How strange for service people to be that early! It's gonna be nice though. The south side of the house will be considerably warmer. That's good, because we will be considerably poorer after all this repair/replacement work we're doing. Staying home will no longer be an option! (sounds of moaning and griping can be heard in the background) As soon as they are done I will go outside and snap a picture to post here.

I have a horrible head cold too. I did very little this weekend. Helped DH briefly with prep work for the deck, laundry, and then pretty much laid around. Except Sunday I made a turkey dinner. I had cleaned out the chest freezer earlier in the week and there was a turkey in there from a couple years ago! I'm ashamed to say I hadn't cleaned the chest freezer out in maybe 7 years. It had a pretty thick coat of ice in spots on the walls. The food was not that old since I try to rotate the food out of there on a regular basis. It just was dirty. Ugh. A good reminder of why I hate chest freezers -- all that standing on my head to try to wipe it down. Anyway, I also used up a package of cranberries for sauce and reheated some squash I had in the fridge. It was a good meal. Enough turkey left for the rest of the week!!!


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