Labor day and the first day back

Ah Labor day. We did go to Omak. DH found out there's NOTHIN' there. Still, I did find a fabric store so I'd be just fine thank you very much! Enjoyed just getting away and exploring somewhere we've never stopped at. Well, except the Walmart there. We stopped by there for camping gear or some such on one of our last trips east of the mountains for a vacation. We went to Brewster to the Okanogan Museum. Very small and run by volunteers. IT was free. A rare thing nowadays with the national parks system budget being what it is. It was interesting none the less. There appears to be a small housing boom over there. Seems the retiring baby boomers from the west side of the state are heading over there to retire or snowbird. That has begun to drive the cost of property up. So it's not that cheap anymore. Bummer. No land deals for us I guess.

I gotta tell ya about my first day back at work on Tuesday. OR at least my attempt at getting to work Tuesday. I fired up the car and drove away from the house headed to work. I got about 5 blocks from home to a red light where I turned on my headlights. It was overcast and rather dark out. Well, my dashboard looked pale and before the light could turn green to go, my car quit. Fortunately I was on a bit of a slope and was able to coast around the corner into the parking lot of the Alternative High School. Crap. The car stopped straddling a couple parking places. Well, I figured it was the battery so I walked home to get the other Subaru. I drove it down to the school and jumped the car and drove the other car around the corner and parked it. When I got back to the parking lot the original car had died again. I jumped it again and it died the minute I took the jumper cables off. I also noticed that the 2nd car I had driven down there had a flat tire. I decided to drive it home and get the F250 pickup and take the battery out of the the Subaru to swap with the one that had died. So I limped the flat tire home, took the battery out, fired up the F250 to which I had to add transmission fluid, and drove back down to the Alternative School. By then students had come and began boxing my car in. It was the first day of school after all. Great. Thanks a lot. I swapped batteries, made sure the car would start then turned it off, shut the door, and drove the F250 back home. I then walked back to the School and got in the car and was able to weasel it out of the tight spot the kids had put me in, much to the amusement of a couple of guys in a pickup with a pirate flag on it. I got it home and drove the F250 to work.

When I got home that night I removed the alternator and took it to Shucks to be checked. Yep. It failed the test on all counts. So I had to order another one. It came in yesterday and I installed it myself last night. The car now runs like a top and DH didn't have to get his hands dirty or come to my rescue. What a gal huh?!


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