It's raining bills...

And so it starts. DH informed me I better order the synthetic deck material I wanted to replace the porch with because the guy who was going to do it was fired from work yesterday and would be needing the money. Tape measure in hand I went out and measured the thing taking into account we want to widen it by a couple feet. After placing the initial order with Frontier, I had to go home and figure out about railings. Turns out they come in a kit of either 6 ft or 8 ft. I don't want to hear that I didn't order the correct amount either since this is WAY over my experience and I am feeling my way around this. I gotta get the screws etc. And who knows what we'll turn up when we demo the old one. But at least the order has been placed.

To top off the financial burden of that, we have the windows due to be installed here in the next couple weeks and the balance will be due for them. Home improvement can be such a headache. 'Course, it's not like the house is completely torn up while the kitchen is remodeled or something. Perhaps I better rethink my grumblings!

I removed the sheet metal to the metal recycling plant today from the old oil furnace DH began taking apart weeks ago. The stuff has been piled in the yard killing the lawn for quite a while. It was up to me I guess to get rid of it. So I did. the recycling place took it but there wasn't enough to get payment for. I didn't care. I just didn't want to send it to a landfill. Also got rid of 4 tires that used to be in our shed. You know, one of those "might hafta needs" my husband collected. They're gone now! Gave me a good sense of AAAAHHHH when I dumped all that stuff off.


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