Memorial day weekend

Low key Memorial Day weekend. We had ordered a swamp cooler for the motor home and it arrived Friday. We spent part of Sunday and part of Monday installing it. Works like a charm. It only weighs 18 lbs with water in it so it will sit okay on our old slightly saggy roof. And it can be run by solar panels or very low electricity. Much more energy friendly than an all-out air conditioner. I am really getting itchy to go away in it for the weekend. We'll have to watch the water because I don't know how much of the supply it will use up. It is plumbed into our water system in the motor home.

I spent a large part of yesterday typing Discharge Summaries. They are going surprisingly quick and it makes me worried. Maybe I'm just getting better. Who knows? I will be doing more of same tonight. So much excitement, so little time....


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