Gettin' so I really hate this neighborhood

All right. Let me just save them the time and me the trouble. I'll just leave the car stereo on the hood next time so those meth heads and other hoodlums can take it without breaking windows. Actually I'm feeling a bit smug because I think DH heard something around 3:30 Sunday morning and got up to turn the porch lite on and check. Must have scared whoever away as the stereo wasn't gone yet. Just the passenger window was broken all to hell. They musta really hit the window hard because there was glass clear across the car and all in the back window area too. Not to mention all over the street. So I spent a large chunk of this afternoon chasing down a window at junk yards.

Did you know most junk yards aren't open on Mondays around here? Hmmmm. So I went to the local one that I know of (which isn't open on Saturdays (????)) and got a passenger window. Then I took apart our door and vacuumed out the glass in it's innards. I replaced it myself. Now DH doesn't have to worry about doing it tonight after a full day working. Challenging but not rocket science. Just cut my hands and forearms to shreds on the sharp metal inside the door trying to clean it out. We are going to leave the stereo out unless we plan on using it to go somewhere. DH usually drives the company vehicle during the week.

Had the thieves made away with that stereo it would have been stereo #4. Getting kind of sick of this! That's why I haven't replaced the one in my car. Don't need to fuel the meth heads at my expense.


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