Happy Mother's Day weekend

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I have spent a large chunk of this a.m. catching up on chores I let slide over the week. I put in a full week working at the clinic, and when I wasn't there I was working on schooling. Housework went by the wayside. I still have more studying to do but having no clean underwear left (gasp) and spots all over the kitchen floor are taking precedence right now.

The weather sure has been beautiful this week! The birds sure have been busy singing and whirring overhead when I've been outside. We absolutely must finish painting the trim on the house this spring! This would have been a good week to do that. Oh well.

A new family moved in across the street from us. There's a girl of about 7 or 8 there who spends some evenings riding her Razor scooter down the sidewalk. It's on a slope so she can get going pretty good. We've enjoyed watching her play. The young couple a couple houses over are rebuilding a porch. They had pitted concrete steps there and it looks like they are putting up a wood porch and stairs. It'll be facing straight out instead of angled parallel to the house like the old stairs were. Looking good! The house that has been under construction for the past year next to them was mostly painted last week. No one is living in it yet, but it looks just about done. They are working on landscaping today. I just looked out the window and saw them there with a bunch of plants and a team of people. Wow. Now our house will the the crappiest looking one on the block! Ach! Oh well. It's a work in progress.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers that read this! I got a happy godmother's day card. That was sweet! Didn't know there was such a thing!


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